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One of the main goals of the project is to provide vanilla fans true mmorpg feeling. To accomplish this we have implemented many minor and major changes in the economy sector of the game, such as increasing the stack size of almost all tradegoods (like cloths,
ore and herbs) to 200 instead of the original 20 or 10.


We have removed profession cooldowns also, because we believe that one should be able to produce any amount of anything, as long as he has the recipe and gets the mats for it honestly - either buy them or farm them. And speaking of buying stuff, here is a big change we have made - we removed soulbound property of ALL items.

No soulbound items! We believe that this is what truely sets the economy free and also makes gold much, much, much more valuable than it has ever been in WoW. Imagine selling on the AH your old epic once it is useless to you, instead of just vendoring or sharding it; Imagine your friend giving you his Thudnerfury for the weekend cause he has real life duties or something and he wont be using it at that time anyways...No soulbound items, however, does not mean that noobs will all run around in epic gear - on the contrary! The difference between a newbie and an experienced player will be underlined by the "Lose items on death" and "Free for all systems that we have implemented. So what this achieves is making players think twice before they go anywhere and punishes every mistake... More on the subsequent in the forum.

Another important change in economy is giving the player the ability to learn all 10 tradeskills - why only 2? Have them all, you still need to prioritize depending on your class, budget and what not... Also this makes available a whole new aspect of the game - focusing on creating a "craftsman" character that has much more crafting capabilities than the avarage player trying to rush through the content... and in reality there is this thing also: Why do I have to create like 5 new characters if I am one of those guys that is gonna have all professions in his account anyway?! Not to mention the value this adds to the character itself...

Anyhow we are still developing these features, however the picture seems pretty complete at this stage at least concerning the eoonomy sector. Project Mayhem is and will be an open one, so if you have an idea how to further enfree the economy, please use the forum or "contact us" form to send it to us.

Project Mayhem proudly presents: "Unleashed Economy"!

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